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Real Life Heroes: Meet Katie, Hero in Hawaii

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Real Life Heroes: Meet Julie, Future PsyD.

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Real Life Heroes: Meet Haileigh, Future Art Therapist 

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Real Life Heroes: Meet April, Academic All-Star

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Dr. Quirk on How Covid-19 is Impacting the Nation's Mental Health 

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Real Life Heroes: Meet Mizani, Louisiana Lionheart

Meet Chris: From Missionary to Professional Counselor


Meet Ajasha; Why Healthcare Needs Psychologists

The Bio-Psycho-Social Cycle: Part 1

How people get psychological wounds, and how those wounds affect our life choices thereafter.

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The Bio-Psycho-Social Cycle: Part 2

How psychologists help people learn to heal their traumas and take control of their own lives. 

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Dr. Quirk on WHNT about Covid-19 Effects on America's Mental Health 

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A Psychologist's Perspective on Mental Heath During Covid-19

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Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself is Easier Said Than Done

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Leadership Perspectives: Dr. Quirk on the Stresses Brought on by Covid-19

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Dr. Quirk on Our Community's Mental Health After Athens Man's Shooting Death 

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