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A Psychologist's advice at your fingertips.

Click on an e-book to learn more.

e-Books on 

Self Improvement

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Awaken Your Best Self; Become the Hero of Your Life's Story 

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Awaken Your Inner Hero with Theatrical Therapy

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Create Joy, Love and Community in Life's Third Act

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Dance to the Music of Life: Awaken Your Inner Hero

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Addictions; Diseases of Isolation

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Mental Health Issues: The Struggle for Peace and Joy Within

e-Books on


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Effective Parenting

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Teach Your Children Life Lessons

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Create Holiday Community; Avoid the Holiday Stress Trap

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Youth Sports Community: Teaching the Game of Life

Help your child create success in school

Help Your Child Create Success in School

creating family community in the face of

Create Family Community in the Face of Divorce; Remarriage and Blended Families

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Parenting Teens and Young Adults

Creating Community for Yourself and Your

Creating Community for Yourself and Your Family

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Creating a Spiritual Community for You and Your Family

e-Books on

Dating and Marriage

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Keeping the Marital Community Strong Past Mid-Life

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Dating and Courtship; Creating Community with Your Other Half

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Keeping the Marital Community Strong Past Mid-Life


Marriage; The Most Intimate Community

More eBooks From Dr. Quirk

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Creating Extended Family Community

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Creating Community at Work

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Healing the Grief Over a Lost Loved One

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